In life’s business, we all have a genius...a 'Sweet Spot': a place where our standards, style, strengths, spirit, smarts and savvy collide. Are you ready to explore and expand the fierce freedom born of knowing that on any given day…each day, for that matter…you can connect to yourself and to energy for the day’s challenge? Do you have faith in your invaluable place in the grand scheme of things?
I work with smart, successful people who are ready to take a big gulp and dive into what’s next…be it running a classroom, a business, a family, a ministry or a busy life. While it’s no easy trick to be a good steward of all the opportunities that come our way, living and working on purpose is both possible and profitable.
My Sweet Spot is connecting you to your Sweet Spot…your God-given genius. You’ll discover, develop and deliver it in the ways only you can offer.
I invite you to crack your world open and, at the same time, come home to yourself.
Live like you mean it. Set up a 'Connect To Your Genius!' call and I'll introduce you! It's only an email away!